
Add K-Plussa to your card for free

Reduce the number of cards in your wallet by adding K Group's Plussa feature to your OP payment card. In that way, you can earn Plussa money, use Plussa benefits and pay for purchases conveniently with a single card.

Plussa card and OP’s payment card in one 

You can add the Plussa feature to all OP cards free of charge.   
When you order a new card with the Plussa feature, it will have the same PIN and card number as your old card. The card’s period of validity and security code (CVC) on the back of the card will change. 

 Add K-Plussa to your card

How to add the Plussa feature to your card

  1. Log into the service and select Omat kortit (My cards). If you use OP-mobile, you’ll find your cards under Money. 
  2. Select the card to which you want to add the Plussa feature. 
  3. In card settings, select Liitä K-Plussa (Link K-Plussa). On OP-mobile, settings can be found at the top behind the settings symbol. 
  4. Add your personal K-Plussa number. Choosing a card delivery to your home is the quickest way to get the card. 
  5. Done! Your card will arrive within 1–2 weeks. 

Interested in the K-Plussa Maksuaika card? 

K-Plussa Maksuaika is a flexible charge and credit card and a Plussa card for customers of any Finnish bank. When paying with it in K Group stores, you’ll earn Plussa money faster than with other cards and can make use of your Plussa benefits. You’ll get the benefits of two cards in one. 
The K-Plussa Maksuaika card is issued by OP Retail Customers plc. 

Read more about the K-Plussa Maksuaika

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