A Joint Bank Account is a Current Account dedicated to paying your household expenses. Keeping up with family finances is easy with an account for the purpose. You can, for example, always transfer a certain amount to this account on your payday.
- A Current Account shared by the family's adults for paying household expenses, such as groceries, renovation, loan repayments or other regular household costs.
- Transferring the agreed amounts from the adults' own Current Accounts to this household account is simple.
- Household expenses can easily be monitored on one account.
- Both adults can have payment cards linked to this account.
- The account's interest rate is 0.25% for an owner-customer. Read more under "Deposit interest rate".
Opening a Joint Bank Account
The most convenient way to open a Joint Bank Account is to use our digital services, the op.fi service or OP-mobile. If you wish, you can also make an appointment at the bank to open an account.
1. You can open a Joint Bank Account digitally if you are customers of the same OP cooperative bank and have OP’s user IDs. Please check whether these criteria are fulfilled before opening an account. *
2. Before opening account, it’s also a good idea to ensure that both your customer details have been updated. Update customer details
3. After this, one of you can proceed to open a new Current Account. Open a new Current Account
4. After opening the account, the person that opened it must send a message and request that another owner be added to the account. The message must include the following information:
- the number of the Current Account that was opened
- the name and personal identity code of the account holder to be added
- and the information that both account holders can use the account separately. Send a message
5. Finally, the account holder to be added must sign the account agreement in OP’s Electronic Signature Service. The account holder to be added receives an SMS about the account agreement pending signature.
* If one of you is not OP’s customer or you are customers of different OP cooperative banks, you can use digital customer onboarding. You can become OP’s customer or transfer your customer relationship to another OP cooperative bank digitally. Read more about becoming a customer
If you can't open a customer relationship digitally and need our experts' help, you can book an appointment with a branch. Book an appointment