OP Financial Group’s values: people first, responsibility and succeeding together guide our daily work. All our operations must accord with our values.
We recognise that, through our operations, we have a major impact on various sectors of society. Accordingly, we aim to create and promote positive impacts on people. The various means we use to promote the wellbeing of our staff and local communities lie at the heart of our sustainability programme and our activities as a cooperative. However, we recognise that our activities could have connections with various situations in which the realisation of human rights is not always ideal.
At OP Financial Group, we respect all internationally recognised human rights, such as those included in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. OP Financial Group’s activities promoting human rights are guided by e.g. the UN Guiding Principles On Business and Human Rights, UNGP and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct.
In accordance with the above principles, we have identified and assessed our human rights impact with regard to OP Financial Group as a whole, including our value chain. We continuously develop our methodologies and practices to ensure that respect for human rights is embedded in all our activities. Through our processes, which are aligned with the principles of corporate sustainability due diligence, we aim to avoid, prevent and reduce both potential and actual harmful human rights impacts.
Read more about our management of human rights impacts, and our Human Rights Statement and Policy