Nainen ja mies tietokoneen äärellä

Web Services channel

Connection to the bank's services from a company's own software

Web Services (WB) is a secure, reliable and standardised channel for companies that works with various bank connection and ledger software. Through the channel, you can send and receive your company's payment transaction data between the bank's and your own software. It can be flexibly integrated with your company's systems, such as financial management software and ERP systems.

By using our WB channel, you can make it easier to automate your company's functions and enhance financial management processes. The channel enables you to exploit information related to financial management throughout your company's supply chain.

To become user of the WB channel, visit your OP bank or nearest OP cooperative bank branch to make an agreement for your company. You will also get the identifiers for the use of the service. You can also agree to use other services that you need for your company's payment transactions.

If you generate your payment data from a financial management system, we recommend you visit the following page where we have assembled all the necessary documents and instructions.

Read modifications and the technical features of the channels to that electronic payments between OP and your company go smoothly.

OP's certification service issues PKI certificates to OP's customers and partners for using designated services.