Lease is a great way to finance purchases of equipment and other assets by using the leased asset as collateral. Lease means a long-term rental, i.e. purchased equipment is owned by the bank and the bank leases it to your company for an agreed term against a lease payment.
Typical assets acquired under finance lease include company cars, IT and other office equipment, power tools and production machinery as well as industrial machinery and equipment.
The agreed lease term is based on the asset’s estimated useful life and lifecycle. You can allocate the related costs over a longer period with no capital tied up as opposed to owning the asset. In particular, companies operating in capital intensive industries and using fast-changing technologies benefit from lease.
With vendor financing, your company can reduce its risks and boost its sales and competitiveness by providing its customers with a diverse range of financing and payment options. After the customer’s credit application has been approved, your company will receive its money back quickly and the credit risk will transfer to OP. We tailor our vendor financing solutions to your specific needs and brand.
Investments are needed for enabling business development and growth in the Baltic countries. Long-term debt financing is well suited for corporate investments.
Our factoring solutions will boost your company’s credit control and enable hedging against buyer risk by using credit insurance in Finland as well as abroad. In addition, your company saves money as you don’t need to produce services in-house. This is how factoring frees resources for your company’s core businesses.