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Changes to occupational accident insurance for entrepreneurs as of 1 January 2023

We will transfer our occupational accident insurance policies for entrepreneurs from the old system to the new system as of 1 January 2023. This will affect your policy code and use of our services, among other changes.

We have put together information about the changes and what action is required from you on this page.

The changes will have no effect on the content of your insurance cover, but certain changes may require action from you and will affect your use of our services from 1 January 2023.

If your policy code already begins with 78, your insurance is already in the new system and the changes mentioned here will have no effect on you.  

What will change on 1 January 2022?

  • Changes will be made to the insurance policy and insurance billing.
  • Your policy code will change.

​We will send you a letter describing the changes to your insurance policy between September and October by post. When you receive the letter, please read the letter. The letter will explain the changes and what is required from you in more detail.

New policy document and billing

We have made clarifications to our insurance documents such as the policy document and insurance bill to ensure easier readability. We will send your new self-employed persons’ accident insurance policy document to you in November and the bill in December. Read more about corporate insurance invoicing.

When you receive the policy document and bill:

Do you have a joint policy code with other entrepreneurs in your company, or do your occupational accident insurance policy for entrepreneurs and the occupational accidents and diseases policies of your company share the same policy code?

Previously, the insurance contract could have included occupational accident insurance for more than one entrepreneur, but from now on, all occupational accident insurances for entrepreneurs will have separate policy codes. We will send each entrepreneur a separate insurance contract and bill.

We will also move employees’ accident insurance to a separate policy code.

We want to provide a better service for you and your company.

We will continue to provide insurance for you and your business in the future.

We have compiled information about the changes to your insurance policy by topic below. Please be sure to read them carefully. If you have any questions, contact our service number for statutory insurance at 0100 5335 (call charges: local network rate / mobile network rate)

More information about the changes:

Your policy code is changing


Changes to billing



Changes to the op.fi service



Accounting firms