Knowing corporate customers – keep your company’s information up to date

Banks have an obligation to know their customers. We request various information from your company during your customer relationship with us to meet the legal requirements set for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.

If any changes occur in a company's customer information, the company must update the bank about such changes. We will also request you to inspect and confirm the information regularly, even if no changes have occurred.

We ask for information such as the following: 

  • Basic information about a company’s key persons (name, personal ID code, nationality, share of ownership).
  • Do any of the company’s beneficial owners or their family members or close business associates hold prominent public positions?
  • Information about the company’s business and future plans, financial performance indicators (net sales estimate, balance sheet, personnel), as well as its banking services and payment transactions.
  • Considering international sanctions regulations as part of business.

If we do not receive the required information and are unable to meet our statutory requirements, we may have to restrict your company’s use of our banking services.

Updating information if the company has the OP Digital Services enabled

If a company has enabled OP Digital Services, the administrator of the company’s digital services or a person appointed by the administrator can update the information by logging in to the service or OP-mobile and by selecting Customer relationship > KYC information. Remember to finish by saving the information, even if you did not make any changes.

Updating information if the company does not have the OP Digital Services enabled

If a company has not enabled OP Digital Services , the information can be updated by the person authorised to sign for the company or another designated representative of whom OP has been informed. The information can be updated through the “Identify yourself and update the information” link on this page. You can log in to the service with OP's or another bank's user ID. If your company has a shared right to sign for the company, only one person with this right needs to update the information. Remember to finish by saving the information, even if you did not make any changes.