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Banking services for housing companies

We've made a list of important things you need to know about your housing company’s banking services.

Opening an account, access rights and using banking services 

How do I open an account and activate digital services for a housing company?

To open an account and activate banking services for a housing company, a person who is authorised to sign for the housing company must book an appointment with the bank. At the appointment, the person will also sign the Agreement for Digital Transactions to activate digital services.

The appointment can be held online, over the phone or in person at an OP cooperative bank branch. You need the following information for the meeting:

  • minutes of the executive committee meeting on the purchase of new services,
  • the housing company’s Memorandum of Association, and
  • details of the person receiving access rights to the account and digital services (name and personal identity code).

Book an appointment to open an account for a housing company >

How do I take care of my housing company’s banking services?

You can take care of your housing company's banking services easily online at op.fi or in OP-mobile after you have received access rights to the accounts and services. To activate online banking services for the housing company, a person authorised to sign for the housing company must sign an Agreement for Digital Transactions for the housing company if one has not been signed previously. The agreement can be signed when opening an account or by contacting our Customer Service, for example.

After this, you can take care of the housing company's banking services in OP-mobile or OP Business mobile. You can use Mobile key in OP-mobile to identify yourself online without a key code list. In our digital services, you can:

  • Handle payments and matters related to accounts in real time.
  • Send and receive secure online messages.
  • Print out online balance statements, balance and interest certificates of accounts and loans, and a list of pledges related to objects of insurance.
  • Send and receive e-invoices, including corporate loan repayment bills.
  • Apply for a loan.
  • View loan balances and repayment plans.
  • Compile summaries of accounting records.
  • Administer the housing company’s users and their access rights.

How do I add or remove access rights to the housing company’s account?

The administrator of the housing company's digital services can add or delete users and edit their access rights by logging in to the op.fi service. If the housing company has not yet activated digital services, a person authorised to sign for the company can sign the agreement by contacting our Customer Service.

The person receiving the access rights can view the account's details according to their user rights from the start date of the rights or retroactively if necessary.

If the person receiving the access rights is not yet OP’s customer, the person must verify their identity at an OP cooperative bank branch before the access rights can be added.

Alternatively, the person can order a OP Corporate User ID on op.fi, at which point their identity is verified. This way, visiting a bank branch is not necessary.


How do I order e-invoices for my housing company?

To receive e-invoices, the housing company must have an agreement on receiving e-invoices in the digital services. To sign the agreement and activate the service, contact the OP Aina chat service.

You can receive e-invoices for the housing company by providing the e-invoice address and operator ID to the invoicer.

To find your e-invoice address, log in to the op.fi service and go to Payments and invoicing - E-invoice address and storage of invoices - Corporate e-invoice address.

The operator ID for OP’s customers is OKOYFIHH. There are differences between originators in how you can report the information (for example, by phone, email or by filling in a form on the originator’s website).

How do I send e-invoices as the housing company?

To send e-invoices, the housing company must have activated the invoicing service. To sign the agreement and activate the service, contact the OP Aina chat service. You can also contact our Customer Service at 0100 05151 or message us in our digital services.

If the housing company has a need to invoice consumer customers (such as shareholders), the housing company must submit a sender info notification to allow consumers to order e-invoices from the housing company.

The sender info notification can be created using the sender info generator (laskuttajailmoituksen teko-ohjelma) available on the Finance Finland website (in Finnish). After this, submit the notification via OP's invoicing service. The sender info notification can be submitted in the op.fi service under Invoicing - Settings - Send file.

Loan repayments

Are extra repayments possible for a housing company loan?

A repayment regarding an individual shareholder can be made for a housing company loan in cases where a shareholder wishes to repay their share of the loan. Please note that an extra repayment will not shorten the loan term. It will decrease the remaining repayment amounts.

If your housing company has activated our digital services, you can make an extra repayment in the op.fi service under New payment. Enter the loan number in the ‘Payee’s account number’ field and select extra repayment.

See instructions for how you can make an extra repayment for a housing company loan in the op.fi service.

If the housing company does not use the op.fi online service, please contact your OP cooperative bank or our Telephone Service on 0100 05151 (Mon–Fri 8–16) to activate the service.