Optimistit yrityspodcast 1. jakson vieraana Suvi Widgren

How does Rekka Group handle its sustainability communications and reporting?

Suvi Widgrén wants to transform the haulage sector. She tells us how sustainability can help to grow a business.

Entrepreneur guests discuss sustainability in OP's Optimistit business podcast. The podcast guides SMEs and entrepreneurs on how to make better choices. We help them to spot – and grasp – the opportunities created by business trends, regulations and changes. In this episode, Minna Rautomäki chats with Suvi Widgrén, CEO of Rekka Group. The episode features a discussion of what corporate sustainability communications and reporting mean, how they can serve entrepreneurs, and how to get started with CR communications.
Suvi Widgrén has had a varied career as an entrepreneur. She founded a fashion business at 22 years of age, sold it 10 years later, travelled around the world and – "having grown up around trucks" – became CEO of the family business, Rekka Group, in 2022.

Her corporate sustainability journey in haulage began with an analysis of what sustainability means to customers, staff and partners. "CR is about more than the environment, it's about taking responsibility for safety, people, the economy and the future," Suvi explains.

"Rekka Group reports and communicates on CR openly and transparently, despite being under no legal obligation to report its environmental and social impacts. Once again, it's about willingness and attitude – do we only do things when we have to? Or might there be a point to those laws telling us that it's the right thing to do? CR can do good within a company too," adds Suvi.

Sustainability can be a business development driver when part of a strategy

Suvi highlights the role of corporate responsibility in a company's strategy. She views CR as an enabler of growth and urges businesses to integrate it with their daily work. Setting corporate responsibility goals isn't just about "green values", it can also be a powerful driver of business development.

Reporting began from the company's ambitious growth target, on the basis of which it drew up a growth strategy. Rekka Group has a four-pronged strategy promoting competitiveness: people care, customer care, green care, and sustainable growth.

After selecting its strategic priorities, the company performed a current state analysis – a baseline survey of employee and customer satisfaction.

"This showed that metrics also provide valuable documentation: now, when we're working hard on CR and making progress, is a good time to look back at where we were a year ago."

Reporting and communications have a positive impact on the brand

Suvi believes that reporting has impacted positively on Rekka Group's brand. Multichannel communications and marketing are unusual in the haulage sector, as is Rekka Group's personal communications style, including its humorous touch.

Suvi is bothered by the haulage sector's negative reputation in general. In addition, haulage companies can be instinctively change resistant.

"And why do we communicate? So as to transform the sector in general," says Suvi. Communications could improve the sector's credibility, internal reputation and professional pride," she explains.

"Of course, our own staff should understand that this is not about greenwashing. And we need to make this clear in everyday language: What is corporate responsibility (CR) reporting? What's ESG?"

Practical examples are the key to this. On social media, Suvi shares Rekka Group's experiences of safety measures, promotion of equality and open communications. She emphasises the importance of learning from mistakes and the power of openness in sustainability discussions.

Suvi's passion and commitment as a champion of corporate sustainability shines through in our talk. She has a clear message: sustainability is more than just a trend, it's a core element of a successful and ethical business.

Sustainability lies at the heart of a modern business, but integrating it with daily work requires effort, vision and open communications.
The next episode of the Optimistit business podcast will discuss responsible leadership. Our guest will be Outi Sivonen, Chief Human Resources Officer at Solita Group. Listen to Outi's advice on responsible leadership in our economically challenging times. The podcast is in Finnish.