Sijoittaminen ulkomailla asuville

Corporate investment while living permanently outside Finland

Does your company have a permanent address abroad, or is the permanent address of the person in charge of your company’s investments outside Finland? If so, note the following regarding investments.

As a rule, we provide investment services only in Finland. The company must have a Finnish business ID, and its registered office must be in Finland. The permanent address of the company and its representative managing the company's investments must be in Finland. This is based on regulation concerning the provision of investment services as well as our policy of providing investment services only in Finland.

What does this mean in practice?

If your company's registered office or permanent address is outside Finland

  • you can keep your company's existing holdings, such as shares, fund units and monthly investment agreements. If you want to sell your holdings, please contact OP Customer Service.
  • you can continue to manage your existing agreements on saving through insurance on OP-mobile, in the service and with OP Life Assurance Company’s Customer Service
  • you can't make new investments or changes to your existing investments on OP-mobile or in the service
  • you can't get investment advice from us.

Exceptions concerning services for trading in shares and ETFs for those living in certain EEA countries

We have notified or reported our authorisation for certain EEA countries. For this reason, persons living in certain EEA countries can use our services for trading in shares and ETFs on OP-mobile and in the service. It is also possible for our customers living in those EEA countries to open a new book-entry account with us by visiting an OP cooperative bank branch or contacting OP Customer Service.

This exception applies to our customers living in the following EEA countries: Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Sweden.

Getting investment advice or making orders related to mutual funds will continue not to be possible via OP's digital services or the telephone service.

When is a permanent residence or registered office considered to be abroad?

The status of living abroad is determined by your permanent address registered in the Population Information System. If your live abroad longer than 12 months, the system interprets it as permanent residence abroad.

Your company must continue to have a Finnish business ID and a registered office in Finland, even if the company's permanent address is in any of the EEA countries listed above.