Accessibility statement for Accounts

This statement covers the accessibility of Accounts. The service is part of, which is the website for OP Financial Group companies.

The accessibility of Accounts has been assessed by accessibility experts working for OP Financial Group on a project basis and by means of self-assessment of web accessibility.

The following systems have been used in the self-assessments:

  • Accessibility on desktop computers has been tested using the Chrome web browser and NVDA screen reader software.
  • Accessibility on mobile devices has been tested using Apple devices, the Safari web browser (touch gestures).

The provisions on accessibility are included in the Act on the Provision of Digital Services.

This accessibility statement was prepared on 2 December 2020, and it was last updated on 12 April 2024.

Accessibility of the digital service

Account applications comply with the requirements in part. Please see below for a list of non-conformities and exceptions applicable to the requirements.

Regarding accounts, the following services meet accessibility requirements:

  • Account details
  • Open an account
  • Close the account
  • Money Box
  • Multi-bank Service
  • Salary details

Inaccessible content in the service

There are accessibility issues in the Accounts menu, for example in contrasts, button titles, labels and the dropdown menu. The website applications do not yet fully support the use of assistive technology such as screen readers, and there are problems in keyboard navigation. Other common issues in the service include insufficient availability of text alternatives for graphic elements. The issues with the applications themselves, if not mentioned in the general sections, are listed below.

Transactions feed

WCAG1.3.2, WCAG2.1.1 Dropdown menu: The function menu next to the account selection dropdown menu is difficult to use with a screen reader. Nor can the keyboard be used to open the menu.  

WCAG2.1.1 Keyboard navigation: The following functions cannot be used on the keyboard: Account features menu button, opening and closing transaction information, Today link in the Available section. 

WCAG1.3.2 Transactions feed presentation: method: reading sequence - Reading sequence for a single transaction is not clear. The role of information is not evident in the reading sequence. Transactions have not been grouped/separated from each other. Mac/VoiceOver reads an element at a time, Windows/NVDA reads all at once. 

WCAG1.1.1, WCAG1.3.1, WCAG4.1.2 Presentation of the Transactions list - visual relations - Visually communicated items in the presentation of the Transactions feed are not evident in the code or the text.  

WCAG4.1.2 Presentation of the Transactions list - name and role: User can click Transactions feed items to see more information. This is not apparent from the HTML element attributes. The same applies to the Functions buttons. In the more detailed information, the cross in the top corner for closing the page does not have a role attribute. It cannot be used on the keyboard or by screen reader. 

WCAG1.1.1 Downloading the Transactions list: Transactions list downloads more content automatically. The user is not informed about the beginning, status or completion of downloads. Nor is it possible to get information about the filtering performed by the search function, or about its removal. 

WCAG1.3.2, WCAG2.4.3 Moving focus: When the receipt is closed, the focus moves to the beginning of the page. Once the dialogue has been closed, the focus should move to the link or button used to open the dialogue (“open receipt”). 

Accounts tile and My accounts

WCAG 1.3.1 Negative figures: Negative figures have not been presented with a genuine minus sign, but instead with a hyphen. With the default settings, the VoiceOver screen reader does not read this sign, so the figures appear positive. 

WCAG 1.4.11, 1.4.3 Contrasts: Issues were found in the contrast between the text and the background. 

WCAG 1.3.1 Row headings: There are no row headings in the service tables. This makes it somewhat difficult to read the tables with a screen reader. 

WCAG 1.4.4, 1.4.12 Text spacing and zoom: Changing the text spacing using a CSS file or zooming in the text conceals texts in tiles.  

WCAG 2.4.7 Keyboard focus visible: The keyboard focus indicator is not visible in the tile heading. And it is difficult to see in bar links on some browsers (Bank statements etc.). 

WCAG 1.1.1, 1.4.13, 2.1.1, 2.4.3 Update information: The screen reader or keyboard cannot access the update information displayed by showing the clock icon. The clock icon is not included in the column order.  It is not possible to hide information without moving the pointer even though it covers other information.  No text alternative for the clock icon. 

WCAG 1.3.1, 2.4.4 Account links: Account links are made up of several div and span elements: account name, balance and arrowhead. Screen readers handle such links in slightly different ways. For example, NVDA reads all elements as different links. 

WCAG 2.1.1, 2.4.3, 4.1.2 Table links: The table rows serve as links to the transactions feeds and are not included in column order. 

WCAG 1.1.1, 2.1.1, 4.1.2 Expansion buttons: There are no text alternatives for the expansion buttons shown in the mobile view of the table. In addition, it is not explained whether the additional information is visible or hidden.  If the button is used on a keyboard (return key), the user is taken to the Transactions feed page. 

WCAG 1.3.2, 2.4.3, 3.2.2 Accordions: When the user opens the accordion, the focus moves within it to the first interactive element, which in this case is a link to an online message. The text before the link is bypassed. The accordion heading is not a HTML heading, violating the page heading structure. 

WCAG 1.3.1 Totals row: The total row does not contain information in the Account number column, making the column superfluous. 

WCAG 1.3.1, 2.1.1 Organising the accounts: The organisation of accounts only works by dragging with the mouse, which means that keyboard and screen reader users cannot access the function.  No title in the last column of the table. 

WCAG 3.3.2 Selecting the accounts: The checkboxes do not have labels, so it may be difficult for a screen reader to determine what it should do with them. 

WCAG 1.3.1 “Name your accounts” link: Name your accounts link is placed within the accounts table, which somewhat interferes with the structure of the table. 

WCAG 4.1.3 Feedback on saving: Feedback on saving is given by the alert role, which should be reserved for giving alerts for the user’s immediate attention. 

Bank statement and bank statement of the closed account

WCAG 1.3.2 Bank statement reading sequence does not correspond to the logical order. The information is read by column, not by row, so related information will not appear in sequence, and the document heading is not read first. Information on the document pages is read in different order.

Currency account transactions

WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text Content

WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships

WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)

WCAG 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable

WCAG 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks

WCAG 2.4.3 Focus Order

WCAG 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)

WCAG 2.4.7 Focus Visible

WCAG 3.3.1 Error Identification

WCAG 3.3.2 On Input

WCAG 4.1.1 Parsing

WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

The currency account transactions can be requested by using the telephone service or visiting a branch.

Currency converter

The currency converter partially meets the requirements. Accessibility issues in the application slow down or disrupt use, in some cases preventing it entirely for users who use assistive technology such as a screen reader. These issues are listed in more detail below.

The level H1 main heading, Currency calculator, is imported from another system/environment. In general, the colours and contrasts of icons, button texts and other graphic objects do not meet accessibility requirements.

Keyboard users have problems with navigating the service, such as when moving forward or back from the Input field.

OP no longer provides a travel currency service.

Accessibility issues:

1.4.1 Use of Colour
1.4.3 Contrast (icon and button text colour contrast)
2.1.1 Keyboard (cannot be used to move back from the Input field, for example)
2.4.3 Focus Order

Content to which the accessibility requirements do not apply

In the salary details service, the user is redirected to content and environments produced by online payroll operators, and these services are provided entirely by the online payroll operator in question.  OP cannot influence the accessibility of this content.

Accessibility feedback

Did you find accessibility issues in our digital services? If you didn’t find an answer in our accessibility statement, please send us feedback.

Can’t you log into the service or is there any other technical problem in our services?

Feedback and processing of personal data

If you haven’t logged in and you don’t enter your contact details, your feedback will be anonymous. A non-logged-in customer may provide their name and email address or phone number if they request us to contact them. We will store information about logged-in customers in our feedback system, including the name and personal identity code of the customer or company representative and the name of the OP cooperative bank whose customer the person providing feedback is. For corporate customers, we also store the company’s name and business ID. If a logged-in customer requests us to contact them, we will also store their phone number or email address. Other details that we will store in our feedback system include the customer’s feedback and the details provided by the customer about the auxiliary program or device they are using.

We will use the stored personal data only in feedback processing, to improve customer experience and OP Financial Group’s services. The personal data is processed in OP Financial Group financial institutions’ customer data files.

Regulatory authority

If the website has accessibility issues that are not addressed in the accessibility statement, please send us feedback from the link above. If you give your contact information on the feedback form, we are required by law to respond to you within 14 days.  

If you are dissatisfied with our reply or if we don’t reply to your feedback at all, you can contact the supervisory authority, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. 

Contact information of the regulator

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000