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Owner-customers will get daily banking services without monthly charges in 2025 too

We will continue to offer the popular additional benefit in 2025 too by providing daily banking services without monthly charges to OP cooperative bank owner-customers until the end of next year.

Our owner-customers will get daily banking services without monthly charges for 1 January–31 December 2025. 

The benefit includes:

  • Current Account
  • One or several cards
  • OP's user ID and digital services

This benefit applies to both individual products and daily services packages and to personal customers only.

Benefit from daily banking services for every owner-customer

Our owner-customers have benefited from OP Financial Group's good financial performance since 2023. In addition to daily banking services, the additional benefit applies to 2.1 million owner-customers.

"OP Financial Group is a customer-owned financial services group, so when we are doing well, it should translate into financial benefits for our owner-customers as well. Thanks to OP Financial Group's strong financial performance, we still want to offer our owner-customers daily services without a monthly charge in 2025", says Timo Ritakallio, OP Financial Group's President and Group Chief Executive Officer.