Venla from Kemi is the winner of the national Financial Literacy Competition for ninth graders

We have the results of the annual national Financial Literacy Competition for ninth-graders. The final was arranged in Helsinki on Wednesday 22 May. The winner for 2004 is Venla Karjalainen from Kemi. The Financial Literacy Competition is jointly organised by The Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland (HYOL ry) and OP Financial Group.

In the Financial Literacy Competition, ninth graders test their financial literacy skills with questions about current financial and economic issues in society. The competition questions are based on the social studies syllabus for comprehensive schools and on current issues in economics. This year, almost 17,000 students from 316 schools around Finland participated in the high-standard competition. 

"Sufficient financial understanding, both in terms of personal finances and the broader national economy, is an important skill to have. Personal money management is an important life skill, and the skills we learn while young provide a solid foundation far into adulthood. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Financial Literacy Competition and congratulate the winners," says Aki Gynther, OP's SVP, Personal Customers, Banking. 

"Finances are always a current topic on the news. For young people in Finland to understand social discourse and participate in it, it's important to make sure they are given the tools to do so. The school system seeks to do this through social studies and the financial literacy education included in it," says Kirsi Ruhanen, Executive Director of HYOL ry, the Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland, co-organiser of the competition.

"The schools' financial literacy education also seeks to develop the students' skills for managing their finances in everyday life," says Ruhanen. 

The national final was arranged at OP Financial Group's Vallila offices in Helsinki on Wednesday 22 May 2024. In this year's final, ninth graders answered questions on topics such as taxation, work productivity and investing in gold. After the day of competition, the finalists had the opportunity to watch two presentations on topical subjects. The first was a presentation by OP Financial Group's specialists regarding various attempted scam and fraud cases, and the second was regarding artificial intelligence and its use at OP. 

The top three students of the Financial Literacy Competition were awarded cash prizes: 500 euros for the winner, 350 euros for the runner-up and 250 euros for the third place. The top three of the final round were:  

1st place: Venla Karjalainen, Kemi
2nd place: Vili Kemppi, Rauma
3rd place: Lauri Ollikainen, Mikkeli

OP Financial Group helps improve the financial literacy of young people in cooperation with HYOL ry. Our goal is for all young people to have equal opportunities and capabilities to manage their finances. In 2023, OP Financial Group reached more than 90,000 children and young people through financial literacy training events and projects.