Professional sports cover
Ensures fast access to treatment for professional athletes in the event of an injury and secures a livelihood during retirement.Pension cover for loss of working capacity and old age
If your professional sports career ends prematurely due to injury, our comprehensive pension cover will safeguard your livelihood after your sporting career.
Claim Help at your service
You can turn to Pohjola Claim Help for guidance in the event of a claim and to see one of our partner doctors nearby, whether you are in Finland or abroad.
Statutory insurance for professional sportspeople
Our insurance for professional sportspeople allows you to focus on the most important thing: your sporting performance. If you have an accident while training or during a competition, the insurance for professional athletes covers costs such as medical treatment expenses for sports accidents and injuries.
Professional sports cover must be taken out for sportspeople aged under 65 with taxable earnings, principally paid for engaging in a sport in Finland, of at least EUR 13,470. The income threshold is confirmed annually.
- The sports club or other association involved in sports must insure the players of team sports who have a player contract with the club in accordance with the foregoing.
- Individual sportspeople may choose to insure themselves with professional sports cover.
Professional sports cover is a form of insurance corresponding to the Act on Accident and Pension Cover for Sportspeople. Insurance for professional athletes protects athletes in team and individual sports against injuries and secures a livelihood in old age.
Cover for accidents that happen on and off the field
There are many risks and hazards in sports. Professional sports insurance can safeguard the wellbeing of sportspeople and teams on the field of play. If a sportsperson is injured in competition or during training, they can go directly to any doctor for rapid first aid.
When visiting our partner doctor, you don’t have to pay the treatment costs yourself. Claim processing will proceed smoothly with a certificate of insurance during your doctor’s appointment.
We will pay compensation for accidents that happen in conditions characteristic of the sport concerned:
- in connection with a game or sports performance
- during guided or supervised training, or training in accordance with a training programme
- when a sportsperson is travelling from home or a place of accommodation to a competition, game or training venue, or back from such a venue
- while engaged in activities in accordance with the travel programme for a game, competition or training
- when the athlete is acting under the instructions of a sports club or another organisation engaged in sports activities, or as the organisation’s representative at a hospitality event, or travelling to/from the event
Comprehensive pension cover safeguards the sportsperson’s livelihood at the end of the career
A disability pension provides cover for loss of work ability caused in sporting activities when the sporting career ends due to an injury or disability. The injured athlete receives support for the change in their life situation in the form rehabilitation, the aim of which is to help the athlete find employment in a different field. During vocational rehabilitation, a disability pension can be paid for up to five years. For an injury that has caused permanent disability, the disability pension can be paid until the old-age pension begins.
Survivors’ pension safeguards the livelihoods of the next-of-kin if the worst comes to the worst and a sportsperson dies in an accident.
The old-age pension supplements the sportsperson’s income during retirement. The pension will accrue while the insurance is valid, and there is no lower age threshold.
Interested? Request a quote for professional sports cover and our experts will contact you.
If a professional athletes has an accident, the representative of the club acting as the policyholder, or an athlete in an individual sports will fill in the insurance certificate and submits in to Pohjola Insurance.
Take the insurance certificate along when you go to a partner doctor's appointment, and you will receive the treatment for free. Then send to insurance certificate and doctor's certificate to us, and we will make a claim settlement decision. We will ask for additional information, if necessary.
If the injured person or the club has paid for medical treatment or travel expenses, send documentation about the expenses and the bank account details of the person who paid for them.
Good to know:
- The insurance certificate must specify the date of the loss, what type of injury it is, and a description of the event.
- An E Doctor's statement must be produced for each accidental injury, specifying the diagnosis, type of injury and the circumstances in which it was sustained.
- One insurance certificate is enough per accident.
The accident insurance included in Professional Sports Cover is issued by Pohjola Insurance Ltd and the pension by OP Life Assurance Company Ltd.