Using corporate services via OP-mobile

Handle your company's banking and insurance matters whenever it suits you best.

Key banking and insurance services for your company, always with you

You can do your company's key banking and insurance matters while working: check an account's balance, make payments, send invoices to customers, manage your investments, apply for financing or compile records for your accountant, or check the coverage of your insurance.

Safe and easy transactions with Mobile key

With Mobile key, you can log in and securely confirm transactions on mobile services, the service and services offered by other service providers, and confirm payments for your online purchases.

Your banking information will be transferred directly to the bank in a secure manner

A mobile app is the most secure method of accessing banking services. When you use a mobile app designed, managed and published by OP, your information will be transferred from your smartphone to the bank in a strongly encrypted format. The mobile app does not save information subject to bank secrecy on your device.

OP-mobile features a chat service

Our chat service will provide quick answers to your questions and will allow you to handle various banking matters. OP Aina will help you 24/7 with matters such as accounts, payments, invoicing, and digital services. OP’s experts are at your service in the chat Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00.

How to start using OP-mobile

When your company has a Digital Agreement for Companies, you can handle your company’s banking and insurance matters with a mobile app.

If you have a personal customer’s user ID for digital services and you use it for personal and corporate banking matters, download OP-mobile. When logging into OP-mobile, you can select whether to use the service in your company’s name or for personal matters. You can also change your customer role while using the services.

If you do not use our services for personal customers, or have a separate OP Corporate User ID for parallel use of corporate services, you should continue to do your company’s banking and use Mobile key via OP Business mobile. You will find the full range of corporate mobile services on OP Business mobile.

Useful tips to make your company’s daily life easier

  • Under Financial performance, you can monitor your company's monthly and annual figures: income, expenses, and net value.
  • Compile accounting records, i.e. bank statements and purchase and sales invoices for your accountant.
  • Invoice your customers using e-invoices, email, or by post. You can also send reminder invoices and credit notes to your customers.
  • Enable notifications and receive timely information on such things as events and transactions on your device.
  • Pay bills using barcodes or virtual barcodes.
  • Apply for business financing.
  • Manage your savings and investments quickly.
  • In the insurance section, you can view the contents of the company's current insurance policies, request an insurance quote, and print a Green Card for your company's vehicle
  • With a Mobile key, you can log in and confirm your online purchases via mobile device, on the service, and online without a key code list.
  • Contact our customer service, open live chat or book an appointment.