OP Uusimaa Summer jobs for 500 young people, paid for by OP Uusimaa
Every year, OP Uusimaa supports the summer employment of 500 young people at non-profit associations in the Uusimaa region.
The Summer Jobs Paid for by OP campaign accepts applications from non-profit associations and clubs that can offer summer jobs to young people aged 15 to 17. Associations participating in the campaign must offer a young person a summer job for at least two weeks, and OP Uusimaa will then donate the young person's salary to the association.
A non-profit association can hire a young person to work at summer events organised by sports clubs or village associations, as a social media ambassador, in the maintenance of the natural environment, or as a companion to senior citizens, for example.
OP Uusimaa will provide support for salary expenses with a contribution of 500 euros per summer employee, while the association will handle the practical aspects of salary payment and its other obligations as an employer.
The campaign is part of OP’s corporate responsibility work in helping young people find employment and learn personal finance skills.