OP Jokilääni Bank's services
Services by appointment
You can book an appointment for a phone meeting, an online meeting or a meeting at a branch.
We serve customers by appointment
Monday at 9-17
Tuesday at 9-15.30
Wednesday at 9-15.30
Thursday at 9-15.30
Friday at 9-15.30
Services for corporate customers
By appointment, you can, for example, take care of affairs related to your company's payments, financing, insurance and saving and investing.Services for personal customers
By appointment, you can, for example, take care of affairs related to daily banking services, loans, insurance and saving and investing, for example.
Services without appointment
Our branches provide some services without an appointment as well. See branch-specific services on each branches page.
All branchesCharges and fees
On the Charges and Fees page, you can find the charges and fees for our services for personal customers.
OP's list of service charges and feesSpecialists
Check our specialists' contact information and call us directly.
Contact information of specialistsCustomer Service
See all OP's Customer Service contact information- Pankin asiakaspalvelunumero
- 0100 0500Normaali paikallisverkkomaksu (pvm) tai kotimaisen matkapuhelinoperaattorin hinnaston mukainen matkapuhelinmaksu (mpm). Hinta koskee myös jonottamista.
- Banking services for private customers
- 0100 0500Mon–Fri 8–16Cards Mon–Fri 8–19Call charge: local/mobile network rate (lnr/mnr). Queuing is also subject to a charge.
- Pohjola Insurance
- 0303 0303Mon–Fri 8–17Claims services Mon–Fri 9–16Call charge: local/mobile network rate (lnr/mnr). Queuing is also subject to a charge.
- Helpline for those who need special support
- 010 252 9627Mon–Fri 9–16The service is available only in Finnish.Call charge: local/mobile network rate (lnr/mnr). Queuing is also subject to a charge.
- OP Deactivation Service 24/7
- 0100 055524/7Call charge: local/mobile network rate (lnr/mnr). Queuing is also subject to a charge.
- Banking services for corporate customers
- 0100 05151Mon–Fri 8–16Call charge: local/mobile network rate (lnr/mnr). Queuing is also subject to a charge.