Beware of Electronic Signature Service’s phishing emails sent in the name of OP

There are phishing emails circulating in the name of OP related to Electronic Signature Service that direct recipients to click on the link in the message taking the recipient to a fake website phishing for online service user identifiers.

OP’s Electronic Signature Service’s real email message has not such a link. OP’s real Electronic Signature Service is located at, and customers are asked to go to the service by typing the service’s address in the browser’s address bar. A real message has no links.

Figure 1: Phishing email containing links that direct to a fake website

Figure 2: Real message from Electronic Signature Service. The message contains no link

Please note that OP never asks its customers to log into its online services via a link in an email or text message, or to email or text your personal user identifiers, credit card details or personal identity code. If you receive a phishing email message, do not reply to it or click on the link in it. If you have already entered your online user identifiers or credit card details on the phishing page, deactivate them immediately by calling at 010 253 133 (weekdays from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm, local network charge/mobile charge). Outside the telephone service hours, deactivate your user identifiers by calling the deactivation service, tel. +358 20 333 (24/7).  Also report to OP Telephone Service when it is open again.