Phishing in the name of OP continues by email and phone!

There are phishing emails circulating in the name of OP with which fraudsters attempt to phish customers’ online bank user identifiers and contact information. The address resembling OP's email address is shown as the message sender and customer service as the signee. The phishing message suggests the restriction of banking services based on the Act on Detecting and Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and asks the recipient to update his/her information by clicking the link in the email. The link directs to the phishing website that resembles OP's website.

If you have given your personal data, such as a phone number, on the phishing website, the fraudster may impersonate the bank's representative and call from a number that has been falsified to look like the phone number of OP's customer service. The phone call may also come from a number that resembles the phone number of OP's customer service. Do not give any information to fraudsters!

You can spot the legitimate website of the bank from the following, for example:

  • The website’s certificate has been issued to OP Financial Group (e.g. OP Cooperative).
  • The issuer/publisher of the certificate is Symantec, Entrust or DigiCert
  • The certificate is valid

Please note that OP never asks its customers to log into its online services via a link in an email or text message, or to email or text your personal user identifiers, credit card details or personal identity code. If you receive a phishing email message, do not reply to it or click on the link in it.

If you have already entered your online user identifiers on the phishing page, deactivate them immediately by calling 0100 0500 (weekdays from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm, Saturdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, local network charge/mobile charge). Outside the telephone service hours, deactivate your user identifiers by calling the Deactivation Service, tel. +358 20 333 (24/7). Also report the incident to OP telephone service when it is open again.


Example of phishing email:


Example 1 of phishing website:



Example 2 of phishing website:


Example 3 of phishing website: