Customer relationship

This statement concerns customer relationships (personal customers) and the accessibility of services related to my information. Such services are part of, which is the website for OP Financial Group companies.

The following systems were used in the self-assessments:

  • Accessibility on desktop computers was tested using the Chrome web browser and NVDA screen reader software.
  • Accessibility on mobile devices was tested using Apple devices and the Safari web browser (touch gestures).

Digital accessibility is regulated by the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services. 

This accessibility statement was created on 4 June 2024.

Accessibility of digital service

Customer relationships and services based on my information partly fulfil the accessibility requirements. Non-compliance with requirements and the applicable exemptions are listed below.

Non-accessible content

Accessibility deficiencies include the following: the site’s colour contrasts do not fully meet accessibility requirements, the site is not fully compatible with all assistive technology, such as screen readers, and there are problems with keyboard use. These deficiencies are listed in more detail below.

Become an OP customer

This accessibility statement was created on 20 June 2024.

Accessibility status

The 'Become an OP customer' digital service channel partially meets accessibility requirements. Known accessibility issues are listed below.

Inaccessible content

The service contains individual accessibility issues. These are listed below. Most significant issues concern the programmatic implementation of information and relationships in certain content, focus order, headings and labels, and insufficient implementations of name, role and value. The service is also missing certain text alternatives, there are issues with the visibility of individual focused elements, and the programme code contains incorrect attributes in places. Some of the issues are in user interface components in joint use within OP. The accessibility of these components is developed separately. Accessibility is also affected by the fact that the service is a one-page app. As a result, page changes in the form are not necessarily perceivable with assistive technology.

Requirements of the WCAG guidelines containing issues

1.1.1 Non-text Content

  • The text in the credit decision page is set as the text alternative of the checkmark visible on the page.
  • The images in the cards have text alternatives that redundantly repeat the names of the cards.
  • The image reporting about an error in the service lacks a text alternative.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

  • Several of the pages contain lists whose objects are heading elements.
  • The service contains headings that are not indicated with programmatic heading elements.
  • The Cards and Approval pages contain lists that are not implemented using programmatic list elements.
  • Card information is not programmatically grouped. In addition, card descriptions are not programmatically linked to the selection buttons. The selection button group lacks a programmatic label.
  • The error message about a missing card selection on the start page is linked to the selection buttons with an incorrect attribute.
  • The instructions of fields are not programmatically linked to the fields.
  • The field for the Plussa card number lacks a programmatic label.
  • The programmatic heading of the PIN selection contains issues.
  • Owner-customer membership: Price information is not programmatically linked to the selection buttons.
  • Feedback: The selection button group lacks a programmatic label, and the explanations of numbers are not programmatically linked to the group.
  • Retrieving user ID: User ID information is not programmatically grouped.
  • The reminders about already being an OP customer are not programmatically listed despite appearing as a list for sighted users.
  • The error message in the Your information field on the number of underage children is not programmatically linked to the field. The field showing the year lacks a programmatic label.
  • OP's services: the aria-describedby attributes of all selection boxes refer to the description of the selection box for Daily services.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence

  • Select bank branch: Errors in the use of aria-label attributes.
  • The credit decision text is hidden from assistive devices. The texts are in the wrong sequence when using a screen reader.

1.4.3 Contrast

  • The contrast between price information in orange and the background is insufficient.

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast

  • When identifying or paying, the contrast between the bank's orange pointer and the surrounding white is insufficient.

2.1.1 Keyboard

  • Closing a modal dialogue window with the Esc key causes an error.

2.4.2 Page titles

  • All pages have the same name, ‘Become OP's customer online’.

2.4.3 Focus Order

  • Select bank branch: the screen reader reads content that is not visible.
  • The search fields in the drop-down menus are only accessible with the tab key.
  • When the PIN dialogue window is closed, the focus remains at the end of the underlying page.
  • The focus is not moved when the page is changed and remains on the used button.

2.4.4 Link Purpose

  • The links to more information about cards are not programmatically linked to the cards.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels

  • The ‘Applying for a credit card failed’ text is misleading.
  • In the drop-down menu listing months, the options have aria-label attributes with the names of the months in English.
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) information: The heading of the information for each added country is ‘Next country’.
  • The links in the language selection lack aria-label attributes.

2.4.7 Focus Visible

  • Submitting feedback: the keyboard focus is not visible in the selection buttons.

2.5.3 Label in Name

  • The attributes and text alternative for the button to clear the search field contain errors.

3.2.2 Input

  • KYC information: The focus moves to the summary of errors whenever an error is corrected.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

  • Screen reader users do not receive an input from the info buttons indicating that the buttons open any content.
  • The PIN is entered in an element that lacks a name.
  • The retrieval of the user ID contains a progress bar with an incorrect role. The bar lacks an accessible name.
  • KYC information: Delete buttons are not read when moving the screen reader in the browser mode.

4.1.3 Status Messages

  • The error summary is read whenever the text changes.
  • KYC information: Screen reader users do not receive feedback when selecting Add country. The same issue appears when deleting countries.

Apply for banking services for a child

This accessibility statement was created on 20 June 2024.

Accessibility status

The 'Apply for banking services for a child' digital service channel partly meets accessibility requirements. Known accessibility issues are listed below.

Inaccessible content

The service contains individual accessibility issues. These are listed below. The most significant issues concern the programmatic implementation of information and relationships in certain content, as well as focus order. In addition, there are issues with the visibility of individual focused elements and text colours, and the programme code contains incorrect attributes in places, among other issues. Some of the issues are in user interface components in joint use within OP. The accessibility of these components is developed separately. Accessibility is also affected by the fact that the service is a one-page app. As a result, page changes in the form are not necessarily perceivable with assistive technology.

Requirements of the WCAG guidelines containing issues

1.1.1 Non-text Content

  • The image reporting about an error in the service lacks a text alternative.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

  • The selection list of services that can be opened for a child is not a programmatic list
  • The page contains texts that have been implemented with heading elements despite not being headings in meaning.
  • The instructions for the field asking for the guardian's phone number is not programmatically linked to the field.
  • OP's services for a child: the aria-describedby attributes of all selection boxes refer to the description of the selection box for Daily services.
  • The field for the Plussa card number lacks a programmatic label.
  • Feedback: The selection button group lacks a programmatic label, and the explanations of numbers are not programmatically linked to the group.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence

  • Select bank branch: Errors in the use of aria-label attributes.

1.4.3 Contrast

  • The contrast between price information in orange and the background is insufficient.

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast

  • When identifying or paying, the contrast between the bank's orange pointer and the surrounding white is insufficient.

2.1.1 Keyboard

  • Closing a modal dialogue window with the Esc key causes an error.

2.4.2 Page titles

  • The pages lack programmatic names.

2.4.3 Focus Order

  • Select bank branch: the screen reader reads content that is not visible.
  • The search fields in the drop-down menus are only accessible with the tab key.
  • The focus is not automatically moved to the error summary and remains in the progress button.
  • The focus is not moved when the page is changed and remains on the used button.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels

  • The Current Account heading uses an attribute that is not read.
  • The links in the language selection lack aria-label attributes.
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) information: The heading of the information for each added country is ‘Next country’.

2.5.3 Label in Name

  • The attributes and text alternative for the button to clear the search field contain errors.

3.2.2 Input

  • In KYC information, the focus moves to the summary of errors whenever an error is corrected.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

  • Screen reader users do not receive an input from the info buttons indicating that the buttons open any content.
  • KYC information: Delete buttons are not read when moving the screen reader in the browser mode.

4.1.3 Status Messages

  • The error summary is re-read by the screen reader whenever the text changes.
  • KYC information: Screen reader users do not receive feedback when selecting Add country. The same issue appears when deleting countries.

Form for becoming a customer for persons moving to Finland

This accessibility statement was created on 20 June 2024.

Accessibility status

The form for becoming a customer for persons who have moved to Finland partly meets accessibility requirements. Known accessibility issues are listed below.

Inaccessible content

The service contains individual accessibility issues. These are listed below. The most significant issues concern the programmatic implementation of information and relationships in certain content, as well as focus order. In addition, there are issues with the visibility of individual focused elements and text colours, and the programme code contains incorrect attributes in places, among other issues. Some of the issues are in user interface components in joint use within OP. The accessibility of these components is developed separately. Accessibility is also affected by the fact that the service is a one-page app. As a result, page changes in the form are not necessarily perceivable with assistive technology.

Requirements of the WCAG guidelines containing issues

1.1.1 Non-text Content

  • The image on the page about an error in the service lacks a text alternative.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

  • The attributes in drop-down lists contain errors.
  • Some selection button groups programmatic labels.
  • In the OP's services page, the aria-describedby attributes of all selection boxes refer to the description of the selection box for Daily services.
  • The list on the Thank you page contains a heading element despite the text not serving as a heading for any information.
  • Feedback: The selection button group lacks a programmatic label, and the explanations of numbers are not programmatically linked to the group.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence

  • Select bank branch: Errors in the use of aria-label attributes.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose

  • The required autocomplete attributes are not defined for the form fields.

2.1.1 Keyboard

  • Closing a modal dialogue window with the Esc key causes an error.

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable

  • No advance warning is given about the session timing out.

2.4.2 Page titles

  • The pages lack programmatic names.

2.4.3 Focus Order

  • Select bank branch: the screen reader reads content that is not visible.
  • The error summary is not always read by the screen reader when it appears on the screen, and the user attempts to proceed. The focus is not automatically moved to the error summary and remains in the progress button.
  • KYC information: The focus is not moved when the page is changed and remains on the used button.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels

  • The links in the language selection lack aria-label attributes.
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) information: The heading of the information for each added country is ‘Next country’.

3.2.2 Input

  • In KYC information, the focus moves to the summary of errors whenever an error is corrected.

3.3.1 Error Identification

  • Errors in the forms are marked as corrected when exiting the field, even if the error has not actually been corrected.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion

  • The instructions for the Captcha do not specify that lower and upper case letters must be entered as they appear on the screen.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

  • Screen reader users do not receive an input from the info buttons indicating that the buttons open any content.
  • KYC information: Delete buttons are not read when moving the screen reader in the browser mode.

4.1.3 Status Messages

  • If the selected length of the stay in the country is ‘less than 6 months’, additional information is shown below the field that is not programmatically linked to the selection.
  • KYC information: Screen reader users do not receive feedback when selecting Add country. The same issue appears when deleting countries.

Owner-customers and benefits

The Owner-customer Membership and Benefits Portal is partly compliant with digital accessibility standards. Customers are able to use the services, which mainly meet accessibility requirements. Fixes will be made as the services are updated. This accessibility statement will be updated as and when issues are fixed.

Non-compliance with requirements and the applicable exemptions are listed below.

Non-accessible content (based on WCAG criteria)

Accessibility issues with the portal include colour contrasts which do not fully satisfy the relevant standards. Services do not fully support assistive technologies, such as using screen readers for additional information boxes, and problems occur when reading content. In addition, some documents in the portal may not be fully accessible.

Below are the accessibility requirements of WCAG 2.2 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) not yet fully satisfied by the portal. 

Non-accessible content and issues

Keyboard operability and the visibility of keyboard focus are limited in places. The links on the directory pages cannot be read using the screen reader or used from the keyboard.
There are accessibility issues with colour contrasts and inconsistencies in link styling.

  • WCAG 1.3.1, 2.4.6 The Benefits for you box has not been programmatically marked as a separate area, so screen reader users cannot recognise that it is a separate box.  
  • WCAG 1.1.1 The contextual ad image has the title attribute ”mainosnoston kuva” (“contextual ad image”).  
  • WCAG 2.4.3, general accessibility The aria-label of the tab component is "Valitse välilehti" (“Select tab”).  
  • WCAG 4.1.2, general accessibility The additional information button is missing the aria-expanded attribute, which means that screen reader users do not learn that it opens something.  
  • WCAG 2.4.7 The links in the Owner-customer benefits section completely lack a visible focus.  
  • WCAG 3.1.2, general accessibility The JavaScript notification on the website is only available in English, which means that it may not be understood by all users. The language of the text has not been programmatically determined.  

Bonus calculator (logged-in users)

1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) (level AA)
The contrast ratio between link text and the grey background is less than 4.5:1.
The contrast ratio between the white font used in the bonus calculator’s results and the orange is less than 4.5:1.
1.4.11 Non-text contrast (level AA)
The contrast ratio between the info icon and the white background is less than 3:1.
1.4.13 Content on hover or focus (level AA)
The info box can only be dismissed by moving the pointer.

Become an owner-customer

1.4.3 Contrast (minimum) (level AA)
The contrast ratio between the grey background and the orange link on the start page is less than 4.5:1.
1.4.11 Non-text contrast (level AA)
The contrast ratio between the info icon and the white background is less than 3:1.
1.4.13 Content on hover or focus (level AA)
The info box can only be dismissed by moving the pointer.
2.4.6 Headings and labels (level AA)
Headings and labels are displayed in the body text font.
4.1.2 Name, role, value (level AA)
The text in the ‘Become an owner-customer’ button is not visible to screen readers.

My profile


Customers are able to use the service, which mainly meets accessibility requirements. 

Minor issues in meeting the following WCAG criteria:

  • WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  • WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard

There are also issues with documents accessed from the service. Document conversion to improve their accessibility is unfinished due to the large number of documents.

In other respects, the service meets requirements. 

CDD information form:

WCAG 1.3.1: Grouping elements: the grouping of elements on forms is not programmatically determined. Checkboxes and selection buttons are not grouped together with the questions to which they relate. Info texts related to an option are not grouped with the relevant option.
WCAG 1.3.1, 2.4.6: Form structure: headings and links: the form can be used to report about a customer relationship with one or several foreign banks. This structure is not indicated in the form’s structure (programmatically or textually).
WCAG 1.4.4: Delete link: the start of the form section for each foreign bank has a link for deleting the bank from the form. This is not indicated by the link text or positioning (“confirm delete by clicking the recycle bin”).
WCAG 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 2.4.3: Add new country function: selecting the “Add new country” link opens a new section on the form above the link, but the focus remains on the link itself. The user may fail to notice that the form has changed.

Favourites functionality

WCAG 2.4.2 Keyboard Focus
WCAG 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics
WCAG 4.1.3 Status Messages
WCAG 1.4.3 Contrasts
WCAG 1.4.11 Non-text Contrasts 

Charges and fees

The list of service charges and fees is a single-page application. Users on the page cannot detect page changes without programmatic changes.  When the page changes, the focus remains in a vague position on the page.  (WCAG 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence, 2.4.2 Page Titles and 2.4.3 Focus Order)
The search field and button are not correctly positioned in the tabulator order.  The search button is positioned before the search field in the reading sequence.  The search field does not have a clear label. (WCAG 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence, 2.4.3 Focus Order, 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions, 4.1.3 Status Messages)
The screen reader fails to give feedback on completed or failed price list searches without moving the focus.  The notice that the search failed does not indicate how to correct the situation. (WCAG 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence, 2.4.3 Focus Order, 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions, 4.1.3 Status Messages)  

Death estate services

The digital service for death estates meets the requirements set for accessibility. 
It is also possible to submit death estate documents to the nearest bank branch or, if you have an OP User ID and Digital Agreement, by sending a message via OP's digital services.  


Accessibility feedback

Did you find accessibility issues in our digital services? If you didn’t find an answer in our accessibility statement, please send us feedback. 

Feedback and processing of personal data

If you haven’t logged in and you don’t enter your contact details, your feedback will be anonymous. A non-logged-in customer may provide their name and email address or phone number if they request us to contact them. We will store information about logged-in customers in our feedback system, including the name and personal identity code of the customer or company representative and the name of the OP cooperative bank whose customer the person providing feedback is. For corporate customers, we also store the company’s name and business ID. If a logged-in customer requests us to contact them, we will also store their phone number or email address. Other details that we will store in our feedback system include the customer’s feedback and the details provided by the customer about the auxiliary program or device they are using.

We will use the stored personal data only in feedback processing, to improve customer experience and OP Financial Group’s services. The personal data is processed in OP Financial Group financial institutions’ customer data files.

Supervisory authority

If the website has accessibility issues that are not addressed in the accessibility statement, please send us feedback from the link above. If you give your contact information on the feedback form, we are required by law to respond to you within 14 days.  

If you are dissatisfied with our reply or if we don’t reply to your feedback at all, you can contact the supervisory authority, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. 

Contact information of the regulator

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Accessibility Control Unit
Tel. (switchboard) 0295 016 000